With a decade of
in-house experience
for a large and prosperous tribe, Owen has advised on almost every type of legal issue facing Indian nations today. owen's private practice in corporate and tax matters also lends a seasoned perspective to transactional and economic development projects.


Taxation is a broad, multi-faceted issue that can be confusing and intimidating for both Indians and non-Indians alike. But a well-developed tax strategy can actually provide new opportunities for growth. Understanding tax structures can help tribes develop programs that provide financial benefits to members and improve quality of life on territory.

Knowledgeable counsel is essential in order to maximize the tax opportunities available to Indian tribes. A major part of Owen's practice has involved addressing state and federal tax matters for Indian tribes, closely held businesses and nonprofit organizations. Issues have ranged from straightforward tax compliance, to complex cigarette tax matters, to the development of general welfare programs for tribal members, to managing and responding to IRS audits.

Practice Areas

With a decade of in-house experience for a large and prosperous tribe, Owen has advised on almost every type of legal issue facing Indian nations today. Owen's private practice in corporate and tax matters also lends a seasoned perspective to transactional and economic development projects.
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